Local Creative Series

Miami keeps getting cooler. Our magic little city might not be for everyone, but there is certainly something special here for anyone willing to search for it. Let’s take a minute to revel in that.
The Local Creative Series seeks to pick the brains of creative individuals based in Miami. These are people who contribute to the creative presence in Miami in diverse ways through art, film, music, education, leadership, design, activism, you name it. Our hope is that by sharing their stories, their musings, and their advice, others will be inspired to recognize and explore their own creative space in their respective cities.
Our first featured creative mind is Nicole Martinez, Managing Editor of Artrepreneur, a digital magazine run by New York-based startup Orangenius. Nicole describes Artrepreneur as a crash course to help creatives survive in the business world. We picked her brain about making it as an artist, what there is to like about Miami, and the importance of collaboration.
Interview with Nicole Martinez, Managing Editor of Artrepreneur Magazine
Who reads Artrepreneur?
Artists, creative types, people who are looking for talent, people who are starting to collect art; really anyone who wants to dive deeper into this world.
Do you think young creatives are particularly vulnerable to needing guidance?
Absolutely. I think we all start our careers with big dreams and no idea how to achieve them. Foregoing a day job in favor of going it alone can be a really scary leap. But most people don’t realize that it’s just all about preparation – understanding how to present yourself within the creative marketplace, or finding the right balance of work that motivates you and work that you do to make a living is a key to your success. We cover those topics a lot on Artrepreneur.
How does the omnipresence of social media affect artist careers?
Do you believe more content means more competition?
Whether you like it or not, social media is a necessary evil, and ultimately I think it’s a great tool for getting our work out there. There will always be competition, but it’s also easier than ever to have your work discovered. The idea that competition is bad for creativity is kind of absurd to me – there’s room for all of us. The more we can share with one another, the easier it will be to create a unified creative marketplace.
Is NYC still the artist mecca it has been for decades? Has social media changed that in any way?
While it’s true that NYC remains a mecca, there are plenty of global cities with enviable arts scenes. I know plenty of designers and content creators living in South America making work for Danish clients. The beauty of social media is that it’s allowed us to transcend traditional border.
What’s special about Miami?
Oh geez, everything. Melty pink skies. tropical lushness. Cortaditos. Oceans and oceans. Miami is unlike anywhere else you will visit – it’s got a certain I-don’t-give-a-f*ck-ness. I never feel like I’m very Miami, but then I leave and I realize I am SO Miami.
Any advice for creatives in Miami to build a stronger base?
Get yourself out there. Go to the events, knock on all the doors, build a collective of people who are motivated by what’s happening and the potential for growth. Miami offers a rare opportunity to take indie projects off the ground. It’s very exciting to see how this community is taking shape.
Do you have any personal anecdotes about following an art career in Miami?
My advice is simple: do what you say you’re gonna do. Miami has this reputation for being flaky – whether that’s true or not, you can capitalize on that myth by making sure you’re the total opposite. Meet your deadlines, respond to emails, share your contacts. I’m a firm believer in paying it forward, and I’m never too busy to help a fellow creative.
Anything else you’d like to share?
Don’t be afraid to take your career into your own hands. ‘Making it’ as an artist looks different for everyone – determine what that means to you, and just go for it.
Personal Interview
Rebecca Wagoner